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How do I register on Rackons.com?

Its a simple process. It takes only few seconds to register & post your ads, & follow below steps:

Step 1:

Click "Register for a free account" on top of page.

Step 2:

Please fill your information correctly:

* Name
* Email-id
* Password
* Repeat password
* Please Tick on "Accept Terms & Conditions"

Once you sumbit the above information, you become a registered user of Rackons.com


Do I need to register to post Ads?

Yes, you need a registered user to Post an Ad on the Rackons.com. But you need to provide your valid email address for get replies and special offers from Rackons.com


What are the benefits of registering on Rackons.com?

* Post Unlimited Ads per day
* Get Special offers/ Discount offers/ Notification Alerts from Rackons.com
* Edit, delete, repost and check replies to your Ads


How can I Sign In on Rackons.com?

Its a simple process, & follow below steps :

Step 1:

Click "Login" on top of page.

Step 2:

Please enter your registered email address and password to login into your account


I have forgot my password. How do I get a new one?

You can reclaim your password if you have forgotten it. Follow below steps for recover the password:

Step 1:

Click “Forgot password?” link and it will display a page to “Recover your Password”.

Step 2:

Enter your registered email address to get new password, and click the “Send me a new password” button.

Step 3:

Success message is displayed for sending the email.


What is the difference between Free Ads & Rackons Ads?

You can also understand all features in Rackons Ads Page


I have some other queries regarding Posting an Ads?

Please Contact Rackons.com Admin



How do I find an Ad for a specific item or service on Rackons.com?

Step 1:
Keyword Search

To find an Ad for a specific items/products/service on Rackons.com, you need to enter the relevant / exact keyword and the search feature on the site will display results matching your search.

If you have more than one keyword, there is no need to include "and" between keywords, just use space.

Users can enter keywords in the Keyword search text box as shown below.

Step 2:
Search by "Category"

You can search for items within a specific category as shown below . 
We have also introduced an "Extra Feeds" (Autocomplete) feature to facilitate easy search.

Step 3:
No Capital Letter Distinguishing

If you put in keyword as "nike" or "NIKE", searching result would be the same.


How do i find an ad by city/pricing/pictures?

You can also search by keywords, city, pictures, pricing.(see screenshot)


Where did my ad go?

Missing ads are usually due to one of two reasons.
1) The ad violated one of our posting policies or
2) The ad has expired.
3) Sometimes ads do not show up right away. Please check back after a while or contact Rackons Admin.we will send you a link on your registered Email-id, if possible.
Please note: If you post a business ad, and it is obvious that it is not for a business that has a physical address in the city to which it was posted, it will get deleted.


How do I share my ad to a friends/relative/publicly?

With the new upgraded feature on Rackons.com you can now share the ad(via Email) you are viewing (could be your ad too) to a friends/Relatives/publicly, by clicking on the 'Share' button.(see screenshot)

After clicking on share button, you can enter your name, your friend/relative Email-id or message etc as shown below:


How do person like my ad on Rackons.com?

When anyone will like/tweet your ad then like, tweet, google+ will be increase automatically. You can also Fb like, tweet, Google+, pin it on your own ads (See screenshot).

Only Registered Users can also give voting/rating on your ads as shown below


How can I report an Ad that I feel is inappropriate?

On the view Ad page, you can report Ads which you feel are fraudulent or inappropriate for site.
Go to the "Mark as" section on the right side of the view Ad page.
Choose a reporting reason from the pre-defined drop down options. For eg: Spam, Misclassified, Duplicate etc. (See screenshot)

If you want to give a reason for reporting the Ad then leave your comment below ad on view Ad page (see screenshot).
The Rackons.com team will action upon the Ad within 24 hrs based on the site policies.


What is "Subscribe to this search" on search page?

Its newsletter subscription. You can get alerts, notifications, updates, special offers, from Rackons.com. So, please suscribe this.(see screenshot)


I have some other queries regarding Search & Browse?

Please Contact Rackons.com Admin



How do I suggest a new feature for Rackons.com site?

We're constantly adding new features based upon the feedback provided by Rackons.com Users(Sellers/ Buyers). Please write in your suggestions to us at Rackons.com Admin
